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Writing is art, it is expression, movement, liberation, healing. Through writing I reconnect with myself, and by reconnecting with myself I can connect with you. This project was born out of my not-so-innovative discovery about how words can heal the deepest pains of our hearts.

Clarice Lispector

Writing is a curse because it obliges and drags on like a painful addiction that is almost impossible to get rid of, because nothing can replace it. And it's a salvation. Save the trapped soul, save the person who feels useless, save the day you live and never understand unless you write. 

Short biography

Sara Ribeiro is from Porto Alegre by birth, Irish at heart and a writer for lack of choice. One day he discovered that writing could cure the pain of lovelessness and decided to tell everyone his discoveries. Author of a book of poetry published independently by Amazon, she has also published in small magazines and collections around the world. Currently, she writes to save herself.

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