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Memorial - A Poem

Illustration made by Ana do Vale

Do I miss her?

A lot, yes I do

Even more when I see high heels

Even more when I imagine myself on skates

In the beginning, it was harder

I used to forget she wasn't there anymore

I used to wake up scared on cold nights

I used to take steps I could no longer take

When I lost her, no one told me anything

Not fortune tellers, nor gipsies

Who used to walk on the streets reading the hands of passersby

In that square in Porto Alegre where I haven't been for a while

I was sleeping for so long that I almost couldn’t see

When that big red truck

With two tons of sand and dirt

Came running towards me

If I could go back in time

Would it change who I am?

I miss her like someone who loses her right arm

Sorry for the pun, but it rhymed

If I could do it differently, should I?

There are things that even bad are still part of us

There are things that cannot be denied

But if I still had her

I, myself, don't think I would be here

This poem would not exist

you wouldn't be reading me

Do I miss her?

I do, but less than it used to be

My leg is gone worldwide

Try other things, learn new steps

God knows where she could be

Mysteries of life

I'm happy enough with what I have here

although it’s incomplete

And a little bit different from the old me

Even though it won't go back to the way it was

I know for sure that I only am who I am today

Because I lost her and it made me be

the best version

of me

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