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Where is my Flag? - A poem

Frida Kahlo - Google images

I have more things in common with Frida Kahlo than you can actually see we both have a disability we both like women we both suffer from invisibility She was Mexican, I'm brazilian She was an artist, I am too Even though a poet is not always seen as an artist which is just a big lie, a really mean one She loved a man who she could not change, trust or agree with I love a woman that is perfect for me We just happen to have our periods at the same time space which is almost the same thing Me and Frida would have lots to talk about you see We are both artists, disabled and queers We both love long colourful skirts We both know how it feels to live with pain and limitations to live in a way that no one is very interested to see Where is my

flag, I wonder? Where is my disability representation at? I don't see any, not even after spending my entire day on Google images trying to believe Frida existed as a bissexual disabled woman Way before me And here I am standing for both of us after what... seventy years?

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