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A space to give voice to women with disabilities in literature.

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Writing Project 

“Linhas Tortas”
(Twisted Lines)

Which is:


The Project "Linhas Tortas" (Twisted Lines) was born out of an eagerness to put out years of silencing and repression.


When we think about minority group struggles, we almost never think of people with a disability.

Capability is a form of oppression still unknown to autocorrect

and also by the vast majority of people who do not have/live with any disability.


"Things we don't say at Christmas" is the first fruit of this project,

give voice, image, sound and touch to this invisibility.


We are many and we are giants.

The voices of these women will echo in a more equitable and accessible future for all/all.

Are you a person with a disability and would you like to be part of the next edition?

Send your contact and stay tuned for the registrations that will start in September!


It will be a pleasure to meet you :)

Make your registration

Thank you for signing up.

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